WiFi VAS6154 vs. Bluetooth VAS 5054A VAG Scanner
VAG diagnostic tool Wifi VAS6154 differs from Bl ue tooth VAS 5054a interface at outlook, PCB, communication method, vehicle coverage, programming, etc, and they share same software version ODIS 4.1.3. Here we go in details. Part 1. The differences: 1) Wifi VAS6154 Outlook VS Bluetooth VAS5054 outlook 2) Firmware / PCB: VAS6154 has a upgraded hardware compare with VAS 5054A. Attach best Quality VAS 5054A PCB (SP33-C) Attach Wifi VAS6154 PCB (Built with wireless network technology): Usually VAS6154 can communicate via wireless network and USB module. But in some countries the user can only use VAS6154 by pluging USB to the car, since in these contries the wireless network module can not be permitted, they are: Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, Cyprus, Czech, Danmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hongkong, Israel , India, Ireland, Italy, Lativia, Mexico, Netherland, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Argentina, Korea, Singapore, SLOVENIA,...