How to Solve VAS6154 Interface Cannot Appear on ODIS 5.1.6 Software


Customer problem: I have received the VAS6154 device. I install ODIS 5.1.6 on Win7/ 64 bit, but I have a problem connecting to the vehicle (all 3 devices work identically). The first time I connect to a vehicle, it recognizes the vas6154 interface. If I disconnect and reconnect the interface then the interface is no longer visible in ODIS. This appears on USB or WIFI and appears every time. After that I have to shut down ODIS and restart. I’m asking for help!!!vas6154 original vas 6154a

12.How to Solve VAS6154 Interface Cannot Appear on ODIS 5.1.6 Software-112.How to Solve VAS6154 Interface Cannot Appear on ODIS 5.1.6 Software-2 engineer solution:

The VCX Manager and ODIS 5.1.6 software cannot be opened at the same time. If you restart the ODIS software and can connect well, it indicates that it can use normally.



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