FAQs for VAS5054A ODIS 5.1.5 Diagnostic Interface

Hi everyone , if you want to know something about VAS5054A ODIS service 5.1.5 , please check the details as bellow :

1.Where to download ODIS latest version 5.1.5?


password: stbtl4

It’s ODIS 5.1.5 Postsetup 89.0.50

It can work for VAS5054 and VAS6154

2.Does ODIS 5.1.5 POSTSETUP 89.0.50 (07.06.2019) work with VAS5054A?

For clone Vas5054a (if you mean this) you must use same workaround (the Pdu Api replace) and as always only under Windows 7……….

3.Possible to run this is in windows 10 64bit?

to make an installation without having to make a new installation go to the desktop create a folder with the new postsetup file then start the program as an administrator go to admin in the program and go to connections where you find the server’s ip address, I replace it with the folder created in Previous and save it then go extra and go to update and start it and the program will start downloading all the data based on the license you installed once you have finished. You will see that a warning triangle will appear at the bottom right. above and it will come out three wordings update, not update, update then turn off go to update and then switch off, load everything and make it switch off.you get the computer change the lancer and plugins and you’re ok

4.Can I install ODIS new version over old version?

If you mean old version 5.1.3 yes you can just after updater finish use again the cracked files………

If you have 5.0.3 it is recommend to uninstall and then to install the 5.1.5……..

Note, uninstall complete the 4.2.3 and then install the 5.1.5………..

5.Is this Launcher (5.1.5) works with new Odis version 5.1.6? have anyone tried it?

yes, but you have to copy plugins folder and louncher exe again

take care you have postsetup 89.5.10 or higher


Hi all, how to resolve this problem, it`s abnormal to get just 159MB to download from postsetup and no data found in your case do following carefully:

1. de installation of odis Service over control Panel

2. restart pc

3. delete Folder C:Program Files (x86)Offboard_Diagnostic_Information_System_Service

4. delete Folder C:ODIS-DIAG-MODULES

5. restart pc

6. install odis-s new. after finish installation do not restart pc

7. copy OffboardDiagLauncher.exe to installation folder and overwrite the exited file. (should be in your package)

8. copy plugins folder (should be in your package)

to C:Program Files (x86)Offboard_Diagnostic_Information_System_Service

(in this folder must be the de.volkswagen.odis.vaudas.launcher_4.51.2.jar !!)

9. restart pc

10. installation of postsetup

I get a problem while installing odis 5.1.5 first when i installed there was an issue with vas 5054A connection then i uninstalled it when i do the installation again this error pops up

Put the unziped data into the PostSetupOdis folder and iset in the Odis-S application MIRROR SERVER2 to this drive letter.



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